Y0u’re e1ther soc1ety mater1al 0r–
There’s n0 acceptable state of be1ng 1n the m1ss1ng part 0f the sentence ab0ve.
0utcast! 1 by 1 c0me to m1nd the gr0ups 1’ve been part 0f.
Repet1t1veness, r0ut1nes, f0rmulas, recycled 1deas, and n0rms:
they perpetuate the ugl1ness; 0f c0urse they’d leave me appalled.
Take 20-year-0ld, breathtak1ng, 1mpulse-awaken1ng beaut1es.
1n the c0ntext 0f the1r parents 0r the1r fr1ends, they seem reduced to c0p1es.
Nat10nal1ty, Rel1g10n, Patr1archy, C0rp0rat10ns: fa1l-safe mechan1sms and guarantees, struggl1ng to c0nserve the a1r 1n the r00m as 1t was:
Nat10nal1ty, Rel1g10n, Patr1archy, C0rp0rat10ns: fa1l-safe mechan1sms and guarantees, struggl1ng to c0nserve the a1r 1n the r00m as 1t was:
Breathe 1n synchr0ny – 0r d0n’t.
Y0u’re y0ur parents –s0rry, 0nly 1 s1ze allowed 1n the pr0duct10n l1ne– 0r y0u’re n0t.
D0n’t d3v1at3, 1 sa1d: "Y0u’re e1ther s0c1ety mater1al 0r–"
Οf course… maybe there is another way.
D0n’t d3v1at3, 1 sa1d: "Y0u’re e1ther s0c1ety mater1al 0r–"
Οf course… maybe there is another way.
Accept your layers, ( ( ( tell' em to fuck off ) ) )
and be a happy onion.